Community Involvement

èèɫ is very proud to have had the privilege of sponsoring numerous sporting teams, and engineering clubs over the years. This is a continuing tradition of philanthropy that reflects the company's goal of consistently being a good citizen in all of the communities that we serve.

2019 FIRST Robotics

2019 First Robotics

èèɫ engineers volunteer time and experience as 2019 FIRST Robotics mentors to Nathan Hale HS, Shoreline HS, King’s Schools, Archbishop Murphy, Jackson HS, Cleveland HS, and more schools around the Seattle area. This program is a great way to give back while encouraging and inspiring the next generation of engineers and leaders.

EI FIRST Robotics

FRC Team 2910 Stops by EI

FRC Team 2910 showing off their robot Kayla

, Jack in the Bot, stopped by èèɫ to show off their 2018 robot and discuss their 2019 team goals.

Donation to University of Washington SAE 2017 Program

Sean Foley handing check to Per Reinhall

èèɫ is proud to be a of the 2017 UW Formula SAE team.

Center of Excellence Tours èèɫ

A group of individuals from workforce development and education in mechatronics toured the Mukilteo campus in May 2016. The event was organized by Mary Kaye Bredeson, Executive Director for the Center of Excellence for Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing, and brought together people from around the country. Read the write up from the COE highlighting èèɫ’s unique manufacturing model linked below.

Husky Robotics Rover

The University of Washington Husky Robotics team visited èèɫ after competing in the deserts of Hanksville, Utah. In the desert, the team’s rover accomplished tasks such as navigating obstacles, collecting soil samples, and picking up and pouring water jugs. In the final round of competition, the UW rover suffered a mechanical failure in the elbow of their end effector. èèɫ’s Ben Hempstead discussed this and other design challenges with the students. They said about competing, “We learned a lot about the flaws of our design, and have plans to mitigate the problems for next year.” Having placed 13th in their bracket, the team is motivated to revamp their design and return to the desert again next year. èèɫ wishes them the best of luck!

Below are photos from the teams visit to èèɫ and the competition in Utah. They have a video of their rover in competition on the .

èèɫ Sponsors FIRST Robotics Teams from Local Schools

èèɫ helps to encourage today’s students to consider engineering and technical careers by mentoring FIRST Robotics teams. Mentor engineers from EI work with the students through the first part of the school year leading up to the national FIRST competition. Students are introduced to basics of engineering including math related to force, torque, motors, gearboxes, fasteners, pneumatic components, electrical systems, and programming.

During the 6 week build period, the students design and construct a robot with assistance from mentors. EI guides the brainstorming and prototype process but the students do most of the real work. EI donates time and some materials and tools for use in constructing the robot. We hope to inspire these students by helping them have a positive experience with technology and hands-on work.

Read more about the teams èèɫ supports

about the 2012 FIRST Robotics Competition

Tyler Hill Receives Volunteer of the Year Award

èèɫ engineer Tyler Hill was named Volunteer of the Year by Cavelero Middle High School for his work with the robotics club.

UWashington Hyperloop

èèɫ donated $2000 to the University of Washington Hyperloop team. UW is one of 22 student teams chosen to test their pod design at the SpaceX Hyperloop Test Track. The competition is geared towards university students and private engineering teams. Each team is to design and build a pod to be tested on a 1-mile track near the SpaceX facility in Hawthorne, California in the summer of 2016. All knowledge gained from the Hyperloop competition will continue to be open-sourced.

UW Hyperloop Design Brief (PDF, 4.3MB)

Roosevelt High School visits EI

Husky Robotics Team

In 2016, èèɫ contributed $2,000 to the University of Washington Husky Robotics Team. The Husky Robotics Team competes in the . They strive to design and build robots that not only provide members with valuable engineering experience, but to also win in competition. Check out their 2016 critical design review .

WSU Everett Engineering Club

èèɫ contributed $2,000 to the WSU Everett Engineering Club in 2016. The WSU Everett Engineering Club competes in the .

UW Human Powered Submarine

EI contributed $3000 in 2016. The Human Powered Submarine (HPS) is a student-run research project within the Mechanical Engineering department at the University of Washington. The project team is comprised of mechanical, aerospace, electrical, and industrial engineering students. Each academic year, the team designs and constructs a submarine that is entered in an international collegiate competition, the International Submarine Races (ISR), held during the summer.

Donation to University of Washington SAE 2015 Program

Sean Foley handing check to Per Reinhall

èèɫ Donates $5000 to Historic Flight Foundation

èèɫ is excited to support the efforts of the Historic Flight Foundation in bringing STEM education to the Mukilteo School District, North Shore Academy, and Archbishop Murphy Schools. The two-step program begins with visits by HFF Docent Educators to classrooms where STEM concepts are introduced in the context of aviation. The second step is a field trip to the Historic Flight Foundation at Paine Field where the concepts are incorporated in real-world learning situations including studying vintage aircraft. The instruction aligns with State mandated teaching requirements for STEM learning. Instruction is planned to begin in October 2014.

Read more about the here
Full Project Description (PDF, 40 KB)

Donation to University of Washington FSAE T25 Program

Sean Foley presenting donation check to Per Reinhall

èèɫ donated $10,000 to University of Washington's Formula SAE Team 25 for the 2013-2014 season. The money went towards design and manufacture of both a combustion and electric car. Last year's Team 24 placed 1st in Lincoln, NE and 7th in Germany.

Read more about here!

Ysgol Llanddulas 'F1 in the Schools'

Ysgol Llanddulas F1 in the Schools team

F1 in the Schools is a program whose mission is "to help change the perceptions of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths by creating a fun and exciting learning environment for young people." èèɫ worked with Team Top Speed from Ysgol Llanddulas helping design and manufacture aluminum wheels for their car. Team Top Speed placed 10th out of 31 teams at their competition on the 23rd of March, 2014.

Yshol Llanddulas visits èèɫ UK Shop

The team was able to visit the èèɫ Technology Park in Hawarden. They were given a tour of our offices and shop area to give them insight into the process of designing and manufacturing parts.

Thank you letter from Ysgol Llanddulas Student Read more about

Cal Poly Senior Design Project

In 2013, èèɫ sponsored a yearlong senior design project at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. The goal was to follow the engineering design process and develop an alternative version of the èèɫ Flex Track that did not require tracks and build a prototype. èèɫ provided funding, materials, and mentorship. The project was a great learning opportunity for young engineers and resulted in a successful prototype that could carry 70 lbs of payload up a smooth vertical wall.

Donation to University of Washington SAE T24 Program

Sean Foley handing check to Per Reinhall

èèɫ engineer Sean Foley hands a $10,000 contribution to ME Department chair Per Reinhall for the SAE Car project. Sean participated in the SAE car project in 2000/2001 and he has maintained close contact with the student group. Sean sees the SAE car project as the perfect environment for recruiting engineers to èèɫ.

Wazzu Racing

Washington State University Formula SAE Team

èèɫ donated $1000 to Washington State University's team in 2012.

Flex Track Drilling System Donated to Future of Flight Museum

On display since 2012, the èèɫ Flex Track Drilling System demonstrates one of the many new techniques Boeing is using to manufacture next generation carbon fiber components. The Flex Track is mounted to a section of 787 fuselage in the Gallery to show how the system is able to navigate the curved fuselage surface to accurately drill holes.

Washington State University EE 483 : Industrial Controls Laboratory

Spring Break 2013
Spring Break 2012

èèɫ enthusiastically supports top quality engineering education. We recently had the opportunity to partner with Washington State University to give a few of their students a unique learning experience.

During Spring Break 2012, èèɫ gave a 35-hour intensive introductory course on industrial control systems for WSU’s Department of Electrical Engineering. The students tuned and programmed a modern multi-axis servo-driven machine with digital and analog IO and pneumatic controls. The course engaged students with hands-on experience and practical examples widely relevant to factory automation in aerospace and other industries. Each day concluded with a factory tour where students were able to talk to experienced controls engineers and see the concepts presented in class expanded to real large-scale application.

Student feedback for this class has been overwhelming positive and èèɫ looks forward to future collaboration with WSU and other great universities.

You can read an in-depth article about the course in the

Washington State University logo

United Way

  • 2011

    The United Way of Snohomish County's 2011 "Local Community Hero" award for a large company was given to èèɫ for a 78 percent increase in participation and 45 percent increase in total contribution. Peter Zieve, company president, again matched both employee contributions and volunteering with a $40 donation. There to accept the award at the Community Caring event on March 8th, 2012 was Sam Smith, èèɫ's campaign chairman and United Way Champion.

    Sam Smith accepting United Way award

    Dr. Dennis Smith (left) CEO United Way of Snohomish County and Sam Smith of èèɫ., winner of Local Community Hero Award.
    Photo by William Wright of United Way

    "The evening celebrated the third year in a row where revenues held steady despite difficult economic times. Revenues included contributions from the various United Way campaigns, the Combined Federal Campaign and the Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound."

    Read the full article at

  • 2010

    èèɫ proudly received 2010 "Best New Campaign" award on March 10th, 2011. This award was received by Peter Zieve, President of èèɫ, at United Way's Community Caring Celebration, see the link to the

    Peter Zieve (center), President of èèɫ is presented with the award

    Peter Zieve (center), President of èèɫ, receives the award from Penney Coyne (right of center), Donor Relations Director, and Dennis Smith (left), Executive Vice-president and Interim President of UWSC. Sam Smith (left of center), is èèɫ's campaign chairman.

    Sited at as a major reason for the award was the innovative fundraising campaign that had the company donate $35 for every employee that volunteered in the community. Peter Zieve also donated $35 dollars for every employee that pledged an amount to United Way during 2011. 51 pledges and our 25 volunteers resulted in a corporate "match" of $2,660. In all, èèɫ and its employers raised $17,319 for the United Way of Snohomish County.

    Sam Smith, a Project Engineer at èèɫ. in Mukilteo, was chairman of his company's effort. The aircraft assembly equipment manufacturer contributed to United Way years ago, but hadn't in years. "I am most proud of our 25 community volunteers, who take their time to make our local community a better place for everyone." With so many affected by the troubled economy, Smith said it was time to give. "I'm hoping to build on it," Smith said. "The company has its feet on the ground. We can look outward, rather than just provide jobs for people."

    For more information, please contact Sam Smith

Shoreline Community College Engineering Club

In 2004 and 2005, èèɫ sponsored the Shoreline Community College Engineering Club in the .

Snohomish United "Revolution" Girls Soccer Team

In 2003, èèɫ sponsored the Snohomish (county) United league's "Revolution" Girls U-13 Soccer Team. We are especially proud of the winning attitude displayed by these girls when they placed highly in multiple soccer tournaments this year. Congratulations girls!

Team èèɫ

In 2003, èèɫ also sponsored three of our employees participation in the "Gametime 3 on 3" Basketball tournament for the charitable benefit of the Lynnwood Church of the Nazarene.

Hawarden Rangers

èèɫ has also sponsored various football teams in the UK such as the Hawarden Rangers in Wales.

Flora London Marathons

In both 1999, and 2001 èèɫ was pleased to sponsor Airbus buyer Ellis Williams in this charitable benefits run. We contributed towards his raising over £6000 in 1999, and £4000 in 2001. In 1999 these contributions went to the Airbus UK Charity Challenge Fund which supported Leukemia Research. In 2001 these contributions supported National Children’s Homes.

Kamiak High-School Engineering Club

In 2000, èèɫ was pleased to both sponsor, and to lend one of our senior engineers to the cause of encouraging a group of bright High-School kids to learn about the exciting fields of Engineering. We have continued to support this club over the years.

Airbus Football Team

Over the years, èèɫ has also sponsored various Airbus football teams.